20 Uses of Aluminum Foil That NOBODY KNOWS.


In your garden, protect a shrub from small rodents by wrapping the young trunk with aluminum. Your plant is protected without using chemical repellents.

11. Keeps celery and broccoli longer:

Did you know that you can keep celery and broccoli for more than 4 weeks using aluminum foil?

Yes, and what’s more, it’s very simple! Simply wrap the celery or broccoli in foil and put it in the fridge.

12. Improves Wi-Fi range:

Having trouble getting the Wi-Fi signal at home? This is normal if your modem is against the wall or in a corner.

To improve signal reception, take a piece of cardboard and wrap it with aluminum foil. All you have to do is position the cardboard wrapped in aluminum foil behind the box.

13. Removes rust from chrome

Are you looking for a tip to remove rust from chrome? The aluminum foil is still there to help you. To do this, fold a sheet of aluminum foil in 4, put Diet Coke on it and rub the chrome with it.

14. Protects Your Toothbrush While Traveling:

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