Pizza de crema y cerezas negras

La Pizza Crema y Amarena es un postre antiguo de la tradición napolitana que se suele preparar en Semana Santa junto con otras especialidades dulces napolitanas como la Pastiera . Sin embargo, es una receta que comúnmente se elabora y disfruta durante todo el año, especialmente los domingos como postre al final de una comida. … Lire plus

I put my frying pan in a plastic bag and what happened was amazing

Discover the incredible trick that completely transformed my frying pan. In this video, I’ll show you how a simple plastic bag can do wonders for your kitchen utensils.Don’t miss out and learn this amazing trick to revitalize your pans!Watch the video with the entire procedure, from the Simple and Quick channel: A simple but highly effective … Lire plus

I didn’t throw away a single hat and ended up doing something great for the house: I’m giving a master class

By collecting enough plastic bottle caps, you can create a unique piece for your home! This is a very fun project that is not difficult to complete. The most important thing is to collect the right number of bottle caps. What you will need: • plastic bottle caps; • cardboard; • Hot glue; • Plastic … Lire plus

L’astuce du riz et 3 autres façons naturelles d’éloigner les fourmis de votre maison

Les fourmis, petits insectes connus pour leur détermination à envahir les espaces de vie, peuvent devenir une  présence gênante  dans votre maison. S’il existe de nombreux produits chimiques pour lutter contre ce problème, il existe également des approches naturelles et respectueuses de l’environnement pour le combattre. L’une des astuces les plus surprenantes et les moins connues est celle … Lire plus

Made a huge batch just now and am handing them out! Sending well wishes to my neighbors this year!

Cranberry bread, emblematic of North American culinary traditions, celebrates local ingredients with a delicious blend of tart and sweet. This version, inspired by the heartland’s love for comfort and abundance, elevates the classic recipe by adding a brown sugar crumble topping. This delightful crunch complements the moist, ruby-red cranberry-studded loaf, creating a perfect example of … Lire plus