4 tips to recover burned pans and make them new

2. Potato and salt
Strange as it may seem, the combination of a potato and a little coarse salt is very effective in recovering a burnt frying pan.

Rinse the burnt frying pan and sprinkle salt on its surface. Cut a potato in half and rub it on the surface of the saucepan for a few minutes.

Finally, rinse and, if necessary, repeat the application once again.

3. 3. Large salt and aluminium foil
The trick of large salt and foil is one of the most effective in recovering burnt-out pans, especially those made of iron that are more sensitive to water.

Scrub a tablespoon of coarse salt on the surface of the frying pan, then roll the ball foil and rub it over the burnt areas. After a few minutes, the foil ball will have become black.
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