5 Tips for Clean, Fresh-Smelling Clothes

How  to make  laundry  and clothes  smell fresh  ? When we have been hot, when we smoke or when we have been in contact with a smoker, after a day of work, after taking public transport or after running, and sometimes even after repeated washing, the  clothes  do not  don’t really smell  good anymore.


Our grandmothers knew well the virtues of lavender: soothing and calming, it is ideal in bedrooms. It can be enjoyed in herbal teas or soaked in a cloth to decongest the respiratory tract during a cold.

To scent your laundry with lavender:

  • Under piles of clothes or at the back of cupboards, flowers perfume your laundry.
  • Slipped under the fitted sheet of the bed, the sachets help you fall asleep.
  • At the bottom of the dirty laundry bin, they mask odors.


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