6 tips to keep mosquitoes out of the house: They don’t dare go back

Fungi feed on the energy of the plants they live on, so the more the fungus grows, the more the plant wilts. Not only do they cause wilt, they also cause scabs, moldy coatings and spots on the plants. And white spots on the leaves.

Baking soda acts as a natural antacid and will also work to kill fungal pests. Fungi live in acidic environments but cannot survive in the acidity of baking soda. It would be like a poison against microorganisms in plants.

To make this homemade fungicide, you need three ingredients that you can have at home. The amount of the mixture will depend on the size of the fungus. You need a tablespoon of baking soda, another tablespoon of neutral natural soap and a liter of water. The soap must be natural, because if it is not, it could remove the effect of the baking soda with its chemicals.

These ingredients are mixed in water and dissolved in a spray bottle, applying it to the plants with fungus.

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