7 brilliant ways to use lemon for your beauty


7 alternative uses of lemon

Hair : using this citrus fruit on your hair will help nourish it and make it shiny again. Apply the lemon, from the scalp to the ends, performing light massages.

Acne: Lemon applied to oily skin will help reduce sebum production and blackheads. Just apply and massage.

lemon slices

Nails : Nails often tend to yellow. To whiten them, immerse them directly in lemon juice and leave to act for a few minutes.

Armpits : Lemon is an excellent odor trap. You can apply it under your armpits as a natural deodorant .

Lips : to obtain an excellent exfoliating and hydrating product for dry and chapped lips, mix lemon with sugar, apply it and leave to act.

Knees and elbows : this citrus fruit is also an excellent product with lightening properties. You can use it on your knees and elbows to remove dead skin. Cut it in half and rub it in circular motions.

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