9 Grandma’s Remedies to Eliminate Intestinal Worms (Quick & Effective).

Do you have a stomach ache and nausea? Do you vomit and sometimes feel itching in your anus? Don’t look; there is a good chance that you have intestinal worms wandering around in your stomach! They are parasites that feed on the nutrients present in our body. They can cause a lot of health problems if they are not taken care of quickly. I tell you this because I myself was infected a little over a year ago. So I asked my doctor to give me all the effective tips to get rid of it. Effective yes, but above all TOTALLY NATURAL! (I didn’t want to be treated only with medication).

What are intestinal worms?

Des vers intestinaux que l'on peut faire disparaitre avec des remèdes de grand-mère
When my doctor told me I had intestinal worms, I didn’t really know what he was talking about. So I asked him to tell me a little more about that, even if I wasn’t very reassured… He explained to me that intestinal worms are parasites that live in the human digestive tract. They feed on the nutrients found in the foods we eat. The main thing you need to know is that there are several types of intestinal worms. First there are pinworms (or white worms) which are the most common and which mainly affect children. Then there are roundworms which are a little larger and can reach 30 cm in length. And there are tapeworms, better known as tapeworms. These worms can reach up to 10 meters in length!

How do you get intestinal worms? I said ok; I understand that there are several kinds of intestinal worms. But how come we can catch this kind of thing? Where can it come from ? Well my doctor told me it had several possible causes. First, you can get intestinal worms from eating contaminated food. Intestinal worms can be present in raw or undercooked foods such as meat.
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