Chewy Butter Pecan Cookiesi

Browned Butter Pecan Cookies are packed with buttered pecans, nutty browned butter, and caramely brown sugar – with crisp edges and rich, chewy centers. If a pecan praline were to turn itself into a cookie, this is exactly what it would taste like!

Thick and chewy Butter Pecan Cookies
With crisp, caramelized edges and rich, chewy centers, these Butter Pecan Cookies are irresistible! Brown sugar and melted butter make them extra chewy.
What are butter pecans and how do you make them?

Butter pecan isn’t just an ice cream flavor – although it is one of my faves. Butter pecans can also be found in cakes and cookies.

Butter pecans are made by toasting pecans in butter, either in a skillet or roasting them in the oven

Butter Pecan Cookies have amazing praline flavor
Butter + pecans + brown sugar + milk = pralinesButter + pecans + brown sugar + cookie dough = the most amazing praline flavored Butter Pecan Cookie ever!

Browned butter adds nutty, toasty flavor

Browned butter adds a wonderful depth of flavor to these Butter Pecan Cookies. Because they’re not loaded with chocolate or other strong flavors, the nutty flavor of the browned butter really shines through.

Using browned butter in these Butter Pecan Cookies is perfect, because melted butter in cookie dough gives chewy, dense, and fudgy interiors.

How to brown butter
Browning butter takes only a few extra minutes than melting butter, but it adds a lot of flavor.

I like to use a light colored pan so that I can see exactly what’s happening on the bottom. It’s much harder to see the milk solids turning golden brown in a dark pan.

Melt the butter over medium-high heat and let it come to a boil, stirring occasionally. After it boils for a few minutes, you will see the milk solids on the bottom of the pan start to turn golden. I often notice this on the sides of the pan first.

When it starts turning golden in color, turn the heat lower and let it cook until the solids are a golden brown. This takes less than a minute and it burns fast so keep an eye on it. Pour the browned butter into the mixing bowl, scraping in all the yummy browned bits, so that it stops browning.A note on measuring flour
Measuring flour correctly is essential to the success of a recipe.

There is no one correct way to measure flour other than weighing it. If you don’t have a scale, or if the recipe you are following doesn’t give weight measurements, it’s important to measure the flour the same way the recipe writer measured. Hopefully the author provides either a weight or a method.

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