Perfume the house and eliminate all bad odors: 3 leaves of this plant are enough.

Bay leaves have been known for their medicinal properties for centuries. Nowadays, in addition to their culinary contribution, they are also used in herbal medicine. Discover in this article another little-known virtue of this plant: scenting the house.
Unpleasant odors can be present in your home for many reasons. Luckily, you don’t have to resort to chemical-based air fresheners. To eliminate them while enjoying a pleasant scent, all you need is 3 bay leaves.

Why does my house smell bad?
garbage and waste: If you don’t clean trash cans and waste containers regularly, they can give off a bad smell.
pets: they can leave unpleasant odors, especially if they have cleanliness problems or are territorial.
mold: if you have problems with humidity or water leaks in your home, this can lead to the proliferation of mold and fungus which gives off an unpleasant odor.
Rotten food: If you have food that has been sitting in your refrigerator or pantry for too long, it can rot and give off a bad smell.
tobacco: if you smoke in your home, it can leave a cigarette smell in the fabrics, woodwork and walls.
household chemicals: Some products may give off a strong, unpleasant odor when used.
How to perfume the house with three bay leaves?

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