Cilantro Saving Tip Easy ❗😋 ✅ How to Keep Coriander Fresh for Long in the Fridge 💯 Life Hacks ✅

Cilantro (or coriander) is a wonderful herb that adds fresh flavor to many dishes. However, it can be tricky to keep it fresh for more than a few days. Don’t worry! Here’s an easy and effective tip to help you keep your cilantro fresh and flavorful for longer in the fridge.

Why Cilantro Wilts Quickly
Cilantro wilts quickly because it is a delicate herb with high water content. Without proper storage, it loses moisture and becomes limp and unappetizing. But with this simple method, you can extend its freshness significantly.The Cilantro Storage Tip

Fresh cilantro

Paper towels

A large, resealable plastic bag or airtight container

A jar with water (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Prepare the Cilantro

Start by sorting through your cilantro. Remove any wilted or damaged leaves. This helps to ensure that only the freshest parts are stored, which will last longer.

2. Rinse and Dry

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