Uncultivated garden, only with this ingredient you can eliminate all weeds and shrubs

To completely eliminate weeds in your uncultivated garden, you can rely on a truly outstanding natural solution.

Anyone with a passion for plants dreams of a beautiful, well-tended garden full of flowers that add vibrancy and colour. However, it is often anything but easy to achieve this result, especially if the garden is unmanaged and full of weeds and shrubs. How do you transform a garden in anything but pleasant conditions into a much more attractive green space? We often resort to various chemical products to remove weeds and shrubs from the garden, but not everyone realises that it is actually possible to achieve the same result (in some cases even better) with a simple and natural solution.

The ideal solution for weed removal in uncultivated gardens: how to prepare it
The first step is to put 250 grams of salt in a container – even a glass will do – add a little water and mix everything together. Once this step is complete, the resulting solution must be poured into a plastic bottle. It is better to use a funnel to pour the entire mixture into the bottle. Now take a bottle of detergent and pour 200 ml of the product into a container with a scale.
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