If you find one of these buttons in your car, one day you will thank it

Your Car Has a Hidden Switch that Could Save Your Life One Day

Driving can be a particularly dangerous task as people have to rely on others to also use safety practices. Moreover, people rely on their own cars to help facilitate a safe ride to their destination. As a result, many car manufacturers include features like the one that dings incessantly until everyone has on their seatbelts. However, vehicles also feature a possibly lifesaving, hidden switch of which few people are aware.

“Life Saving” Hidden Switch

TikTok has become a popular place for people to create and share videos of various scenarios. Some are lighthearted and fun, while others offer invaluable insight. TikTok user, @huyameishuoche, uses her platform to share with others, interesting or “hidden” features in vehicles. In particular, one video shows a series of neat hacks to help facilitate a more comfortable or safe ride. Some of her hints are fairly well-known amongst the general population. However, one regarding a hidden switch has astounded internet users.

Because technology has come so far, it’s much easier to get in touch with someone to ask for help. Thereby, it’s much less common to need help because there are so many tools and resources available to us. However, there are times, like when a vehicle becomes fully submerged in water, that it becomes seemingly impossible to escape. That’s where the hidden switch comes in.

Finding and Maneuvering the Hidden Switch
@huyameishuoche explains how to find the lifesaving hidden switch in step-by-step instructions. First, it’s important to know where to find the hidden switch. It’s located in the trunk of the vehicle on the door of the trunk. Next, comes understanding how to get to the trunk from inside the vehicle. Many people know that the backseats can fold down, giving you access to the trunk. Likely, they’ll also know how to do so. Fortunately, if not, the video shows each step with a verbal explanation of what to do.

Once the trunk is open, someone will need to climb into the trunk and find the hidden switch. Lastly, “just one click” will allow you safely exit the vehicle from inside.

There are numerous safety and convenience features that cars of today have including impressive operating systems to help alert you of any problems with the engine. Or when you’re low on gas. Yet, even with how impressive cars are, there are still some circumstances in which they’re no match. Particularly, against the elements. Mud, ice, and water are a few natural elements that can cultivate a safety hazard for vehicles and the people inside. Alternatively, preparedness is a great way to make the experience significantly easier to face, if not to have the potential to save you and your family’s lives.

Using the Head Rest

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