Use the glass of water trick and you will not see more flies in the house!

Ideas and tricks to scare away flies

We have always had small invaders at home that usually bother us… flies. Although we try by all means to keep them away from homes, occasionally, especially in the warmer seasons, they return. So let’s see how to remove them with simple craft ideas.

Aromatic plants to repel flies
As we know, nature always provides us with the solution to our daily problems, such as in our case the summer invasion of flies, insects that usually invade our homes, land on our food and make messes everywhere.

aromatic plants
So let’s see how to use the coriander plant to prepare our first remedy. It will be enough to place a glass of water with a few sprigs of cilantro in our dining room to scare away the flies, since as we know, they do not like the smell of this aromatic plant.

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