A Note from the Delivery Guy Made Me Install Security Cameras around My House – I’ll Forever Be Grateful to Him

“The lab results are in,” she said. “That liquid you found? It’s a powerful corrosive, often used to weaken locks.”

My heart sank. “So, it’s true. They were planning to break in.”

“It appears so,” Leona confirmed. “But you’ve taken the right steps. We’re increasing patrols, and your security system is in place.”

At that moment, I spotted Ravi arriving at a neighbor’s house.

“He’s here,” I said, moving to the window.

“Talk to him, but be careful,” Leona advised. “We’re not sure if he’s involved or just a concerned bystander.”

I approached Ravi as he was about to leave. He looked tense, but I needed answers.

“I’m sorry about yesterday,” he began before I could speak. “I saw some guys messing with your trash. They looked shady. I wanted to warn you, but I was scared they might still be around.”

Relief washed over me. “So that’s why you left the note?”

He nodded. “I’m sorry if I scared you.”

“Ravi, you might have saved my family. Thank you,” I said, my voice thick with emotion.

Later, after tucking my kids into bed, I sat in front of the new security monitors. The cameras showed quiet streets and empty yards, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was out there, watching, waiting for their chance. Whatever happened next, I knew I wasn’t alone. Ravi’s quick thinking, Leona’s dedication, and my own determination had turned potential tragedy into a story of vigilance and unexpected allies. All I could do now was stay alert and keep my family safe

continued on next page

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