Bathroom: 4 infallible tips with white vinegar to clean it and leave it sparkling

The bathroom is one of the areas of the house where we usually dedicate more time and care to cleaning, especially if any surface has invaded lime, mold or dirt. If the cleaning chemicals you usually use aren’t doing their job, try these   4 tips for cleaning your bathroom with white vinegar   .

As you may have noticed, the bathroom tends to get dirty faster due to the large number of germs and bacteria it comes into contact with daily, as well as the soap that sticks to the tiles and the black mold that occurs due to humidity. constant.

Not to mention the intestinal bacteria that, strangely enough, jump onto other surfaces such as tiles, doors, handles, faucets or even toothbrushes.

In addition to being incredibly effective as a cleaner and degreaser,   white vinegar deeply disinfects surfaces and protects us from germs and bacteria.

White vinegar to clean the toilet

If you want to remove brown and black toilet stains and eliminate bacteria, spray 250 ml of white vinegar all over the surface and wait 20-30 minutes. Then use a sponge or toothbrush to scrub the surfaces well and rinse. The bathrooms will be like new.

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