Better than bleach: Removes bathroom lime and all kitchen grease

How to Produce Cleaning Paste at Home

We’re going to show you how to prepare a paste that will remove oven grease, pots and pans, kitchen tiles, and limescale. Six tablespoons of concentrated dish soap, any brand will do. One tablespoon of white wine vinegar, three teaspoons of baking soda, and three tablespoons of powdered bathroom cleaning.

A disposable container is required; it can even be recycled, such as a plastic ricotta container purchased from the grocery store. Use the cleaned container to store the paste that we will be making.

Put three tablespoons of baking soda and three tablespoons of powdered bathroom cleanser in a container. The six tablespoons of concentrated dishwashing liquid are added in the third stage. Utilizing a wooden spoon, blend the blend. Add the tablespoon of vinegar once the paste seems smooth.

In order to have the mixture on hand when we need it, we transfer it to the container. Applying this paste to the necessary areas only requires us to wear gloves and a sponge.

It must work on the surface for a few minutes before removing it with a clean cloth and water for it to be effective. Give it more time to work, especially on limestone-rich taps, depending on the kind of incrustations. Alternatively, you might use a toothbrush for greater accuracy. You won’t ever stop using this strategy after you give it a try.

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