Brewer’s yeast in the toilet solves a very common problem: if you start you never stop

Brewer’s yeast in the toilet solves a very common problem: if you start you never stop

Brewer’s yeast is not only an ingredient used to prepare any leavening product, bread, pizza, grill, it is also an excellent ally for cleaning.

Brewer’s yeast can be used for household chores and giving fantastic results.
Brewer’s yeast, miraculous even in non-traditional uses

Simply pour brewer’s yeast into your toilet bowl to see what its capabilities are. Obviously it is an extraordinary remedy , but unlike all the products available on the market, it solves one of the most common problems.

The stench coming out of the bathroom drain is the curse of all women. Attempt after attempt, crazy, useless purchases, enormous expenses, none of this has been effective. However , one sachet of yeast or one cube is enough to make the smell disappear permanently.
Here’s how to use it to remove bad odors from the drain.

Take a sachet of brewer’s yeast, empty it into the toilet bowl, add a tablespoon or two of sugar to activate the yeast. Wait one night. Brewer’s yeast will remove the odor from the drain overnight. At this point you can flush the toilet and clean the toilet as usual.

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