Coarse salt in the washing machine: know how much to use for enviable clothes!

This will also, in the case of white items , prevent yellowing of the fabrics. Then you can immerse them in salt water (two full spoons of salt in 5 liters of water) and leave them for a few hours then proceed with the usual washing. The result will be crisp white clothes that look almost new.

A – Use salt to remove stains: simply drop a spoonful of salt directly on the stain, leave for a few minutes then leave to soak in a container for half an hour. Once the time has elapsed, carry out the usual washing. Procedure also useful for rust stains and yellow spots.

B – Preserve colors: place clothes that lose their color in salt water for half an hour then wash them. You will get an excellent result. (in two liters of cold water 2 tablespoons of salt)

C – Softener function: you can use this product as a softener both manually and in the washing machine. In the first case, simply soak the clothes to be washed in salt water (3 tablespoons of salt in a container of water) for 30 minutes then proceed to wash your hands. In the second case, add 4 tablespoons of salt to the wash and you will see that the clothes will become softer.

A simple and natural method that achieves excellent results without using


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