Crack eggs over banana for a super simple, healthy, and delicious breakfast

When we hear the word “pancakes,” our minds immediately draw up images of thick, heavy discs of dough slathered in copious amounts of butter and syrup. They might taste good, but pancakes are hardly the most diet-friendly or quickest choice for breakfast. The recipe below is a different-yet-delicious healthy alternative that only requires two ingredients.
For those of you with dietary restrictions or who don’t like complicated recipes, the recipe below is ideal. After all, they are composed of just banans and eggs! As a result, they are gluten-free and dairy-free. Keep in mind a medium-size banana boasts an impressive number of nutrients including potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B-6, and is only 110 calories. In addition to the low amount of calories in a banana, bananas are also naturally cholesterol-free, fat-free, and sodium-free. Along with the protein from the egg, you can’t ask for a better quick-and-healthy breakfast.
Natural Banana Pancakes

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