Dead orchid, add a pinch of this ingredient to bring it back to life in a few days!

Orchids can undergo a process of  aging and weakening of the stamens, pistils and column  (or  gymnostema  ). Stagnation of water  and the proliferation of fungi, bacteria and mealybugs lead to blossom-end rot, root rot and yellowing of leaves.  Using a degraded substrate and direct sunlight also weakens the orchid.

Yellow orchid with rotten roots: just add a spoonful of this natural ingredient


There is  an ingredient available in the kitchen that can be used to strengthen the immune system of the orchid  . We are talking about  sugar,  which we can easily find in the pantry.  Simply mix water with sugar and spray the mixture on the roots and leaves  to provide the right nutrients to the fleshy plant.

Sugar provides the orchid with necessary nutrients through a process called  photosynthesis.  This process helps plants convert the energy they absorb from sunlight into sugary substances. Water and glucose  promote cell generation  in the tropical plant. Sugar promotes  healthy growth of plants  which will have a long lifespan.

In addition,  the water/glucose mixture is a natural fertilizer  capable of causing the  death of parasites, mosquitoes, mealybugs, ants and aphids.  Sugar provides all the  extra nutrients  to ensure the orchid has vigorous roots but also  beautiful, healthy and strong leaves.  As an alternative to sugar, you can  make vitamin B and activated charcoal powder.

continued on next page

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