Sodium bicarbonate is the real protagonist, which together with Marseille soap can give a lot of satisfaction. Let’s go into detail, for this mixture you will need:

Baking soda – 1 teaspoon Marseille soap – 1 tablespoon Water

These natural ingredients are ideal for use in the washing machine and have always been used by grandmothers even for hand washing. In this specific case, baking soda is used to remove stains and soap to perfume, preserving the textures and fabric.

How to proceed?

If the Marseille soap is not liquid, melt the flakes in a bain-marie so that it becomes soft and homogeneous. Immediately after, mix together the baking soda and Marseille soap, stirring until smooth. If it is too thick, it is better to add a little water. The detergent is ready, let’s see how to use it by hand and in the washing machine to remove stains:

Pour the mixture into a basin of warm water and leave the shirts to soak, rinsing them several times to remove stains without damaging the textures. In the washing machine, add 2 tablespoons of the mixture to the detergent drawer and select the delicate wash cycle.

Alternative Natural Ingredients for Treating Shirts There are also other natural remedies to consider for washing machine or hand washing:

White wine vinegar, appreciated for its effectiveness, is placed in a cup in the detergent drawer or in the drum with the help of a measuring cup. Lemon juice, an excellent solution for whitening and leaving shirts clean in a single gesture. How to do? Simply add 2 tablespoons to the detergent drawer. Hydrogen peroxide, to be used only on white shirts and for persistent dirt. Just add 1 tablespoon of 10 volume hydrogen peroxide and you’re done.

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