Eyebrows and eyelashes may be thickened, according to Grandma’s Secret.


Castor oil, which is obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor plant (Ricinus communis), is well-known for the nourishing and moisturizing effects that result from its extraction. With its high concentration of vital fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, it is able to enter deeply into the hair follicles, so promoting growth and fortifying every single strand of hair, from the roots to the ends. Through the use of this miracle oil in conjunction with a few simple components, Grandma’s recipe is able to produce a strong elixir that results in lashes and brows that are longer and fuller.
The secret to Grandma’s enchantment is to:
Parts and pieces
100 percent pure castor oil
Oil of vitamin E (supplementary)
The eyebrow brush or mascara wand should be clean.

Details to follow:


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