Faded black clothes: learn how to wash them to enhance the color

Black clothes: how to wash them without bleaching them.

Black or dark clothes cannot be missing in anyone’s wardrobe. Black adds a touch of elegance and is one of the most suitable colors for serious and formal occasions.

But as always, there is a but: black or dark clothes can cause washing problems, in the sense that if you are not careful, they can easily fade.

This can depend on several factors: washing too often or mistakes we can make when washing clothes.

Below we explain how you can avoid damaging your dark clothes, also using some natural remedies.

Black clothes: how to wash them without bleaching them
with vinegar

Vinegar is a natural descaler, but it can also act as a fabric softener and odor remover. For what interests us here, it should be noted that vinegar has the ability to revive and fix colors.

In short: a little white wine or cider vinegar, by hand or in the washing machine, helps restore shine to colors and make them last over time.

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