Fresh salad from the garden, with this recipe I have been eating it for 12 months: the trick my grandmother taught me!

Do you know how to store fresh garden lettuce for 12 months? If not, you should read on because here you will find out how to do it. If you think about it, it could actually be very useful as you will have pots of cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and peppers to eat all year round.

In fact, the scent of the vegetable is not affected and when you decide to bring it to the table, you will be surprised to find that it has remained exactly as if you had just picked it. Of course, to keep the entire product intact and not to compromise its consistency and taste, you must carefully follow each step and, above all, close the lid well.

Basically, no air can get through the lids, so we recommend caution and careful inspection. Anyway, the process beyond this step is absolutely not difficult or even lengthy. It is important that you follow each step step by step.

How to Store Fresh Garden Lettuce for 12 Months, Grandma’s Tip!.
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