Garlic always fresh and intact for 1 year: only cooks know this trick in the kitchen

Soak the Garlic: Begin by soaking the garlic cloves in lukewarm water for about an hour. This softens the skins, making them easier to peel.


Peel the Garlic: After drying the cloves, peel them. You’ll notice the skins come off easily due to the soaking.


Prepare the Jar: Place the peeled garlic cloves in your sterilized glass jar.


Add Salt and Vinegar: Sprinkle the coarse salt over the garlic cloves, then add a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar. The vinegar not only helps preserve the garlic but also keeps it intact.


Add Water and Lemon: Boil some water and let it cool. Before sealing the jar, place a slice of lemon on top of the garlic. The lemon acts as an additional preservative and adds a subtle flavor.


Seal and Shake: Close the jar tightly and give it a good shake to ensure the ingredients mix well.


With this method, your garlic cloves will stay fresh for over a year, eliminating the need to peel them each time they’re required in cooking. This practical, effective trick is a game-changer for anyone looking to maintain a stock of fresh garlic for culinary and health purposes. Try it and enjoy the convenience of having fresh garlic at your fingertips whenever you need it.

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