Goodbye smelly drains, pour this down the sink and it will clear up in an instant.

When you have stinky drains, your house looks dirty even if it has been recently cleaned, from top to bottom.

Natural remedy for the discharge.
That strange smell that is so annoying, you can also call it a stench, is very strong and makes the rooms uninhabitable. The smell from the kitchen or bathroom drain is caused by hairs that get trapped inside the pipes or better still, by leftover food, which rots after a few weeks.

Gradually the odours increase and then spread through the rooms. To solve the problem, it is enough to use natural products, which in a few steps and in a few minutes at most, will make the drains smell as good as new. These are quick and effective solutions, which do not require who knows what skill or even great expense. There are also products for the treatment of drains, but these cost a lot and are also harmful.

Boiling water to solve the problem of smelly drains
The first absolutely recommended method is to boil water. Dirt, hair, grease, foodstuffs, when they come into contact with water at a high temperature, slide down the pipes. This neutralises unpleasant odours. To proceed, heat a litre of water in a saucepan, once the temperature is reached, turn off the heat, take the saucepan by the handles (being careful not to burn yourself, gloves are recommended) and pour the water down the drain. First of all, of course, it is necessary to remove the lid.

The boiling water should act for hours, after which you can open the tap and proceed with routine cleaning. The same trick applies to the cleaning of smelly drains. in the bathroom, either the one with a toilet or the one with a shower. If the smell does not go away with boiling water alone, you can use baking soda, which is often miraculous.

Vinegar and baking soda, the miracle mixture
At first you can only use baking soda: boil a litre of water in a saucepan. Once the heat is off, pour in four or five tablespoons of baking soda and stir the mixture to dissolve all the baking soda residue. Then pour the solution down the drain. This method is especially valid for the bathroom. It is advisable to perform the operation only in the evening, so that the baking soda has a chance to dissolve properly during the night and act.

Obviously, the bathroom should not be used in the meantime. Then you can flush the toilet: the change will be evident, the discharge will no longer stink, in fact it will be totally free of any bad smell.

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