Gratin of Pasta and Chicken with bechamel sauce


300 g of pasta (nunce, orecchiette, butterfly, etc.)
50 g of flour
40 g of butter
1/2 half-skimmed milk
Mutmeat powder
grated cheese
300 g of betting mushrooms
the remains of roasted chicken
the juice of the roasted chicken sauce


Step 1
Preheat your oven to 220 oC.

Step 2
Swist all the leftovers of the chicken in hand: anything that drags on the bones that have not been eaten enough, all the pieces left on the carcase … The ideal is to get a bowl of meat.

Step 3
Degrease the recovered sauce: pour everything at the bottom of the dish into a bowl, let the decanter settle and freeze in the refrigerator, using a teaspoon, remove and throw the yellow portion on the surface (the frozen fat) and keep the brown jelly that remains at the bottom of the bowl.

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