Grease On Wood: Ways To Eliminate It

The first remedy for eliminating grease from wood involves the use of ingredients that are very easily found in our kitchens. We’re talking vegetable oil, together with some baking soda and a toothbrush. To complete the work, you can use a dry and clean cloth.

To proceed you will need to mix oil with double the amount of baking soda . The aim is to obtain a creamy mixture. The toothbrush will be used precisely to be able to apply the solution on the wood. Scrub with the toothbrush, even in all the crevices where more grease has accumulated, in order to remove it. After this operation, the surface must be cleaned with the help of the cloth. Baking soda will prove to be an excellent degreaser. Alternatively, it can also be used on a soft sponge to rub on surfaces.

The second method of removing grease from wood involves the use of another very commonly used ingredient: white vinegar which is notoriously used for household cleaning. To clean wood, dip a clean cloth in vinegar and wipe it over cabinets and any other wooden surfaces that need cleaning.

If your furniture and floors are made of fine wood, it would be better to test the product on a portion first and then proceed. Furthermore, the wood should be treated periodically with healing oil to preserve its beauty. Some oils are also able to act as a protective film against grease and grease.

Furthermore, it must be remembered that, to avoid accumulations of grease and therefore the use of more aggressive and drastic remedies, it would be better to proceed with cleaning the furniture and wooden floors day by day. As? Using ordinary soap and the one used for dishes is also fine.

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