Here’s how to reproduce a cactus orchid from stems


For this method, use a plastic cup and tap water that you must let stand for at least a day so that the chlorine is eliminated. Pour two glasses of water into the cup, place the leaf in it and leave it in a secluded place. It is important to spray it with water once a day to hydrate the leaf.

Damp cotton wool

You will need cotton wool or absorbent paper and a container filled with water. Dip the cotton in the water. Take it out and squeeze it between your palms to remove any excess water. Place the leaf part on the cotton wool. Fold it in half, then fold the sides inwards. Place it in a plastic cup without water, so that it can stay upright.

The pot
Prepare a mixture of one third plant substrate and coconut fibers, one third river sand and one third potting beads. Place all these ingredients in a container: stir well to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

Pour some river sand into a pot and add the soil you just made. Make a notch in the center of the soil to insert the leaf. Add a little more soil until the leaf is half buried.
Finally, place the pot on another container so that excess water can drain when watering.

General instructions:

The leaf must be perfectly well positioned so that the direction of growth is upwards. You will know this by looking carefully at where the stems are pointing.

The crops must be placed in a place that receives enough light, but not direct exposure to the sun.

Water the crops only when the soil, sand or cotton wool is dry.

After about two months, you will notice the appearance of new flowers

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