Here’s why bleach doesn’t work against mold: be careful


Let’s now go to different natural products that help us fight mold without causing damage or being dangerous. These are  white wine vinegar,   baking soda and lemon.

How do we get rid of mold with these green ingredients?

Simply combine vinegar with baking soda and lemon juice. All three should be boiled together to create a mixture that will be an excellent  odor neutralizer  .

To  eliminate mold,  however, we can rub this mixture on the affected surfaces, such as the  shower  or  bathtub  . You can also spray vinegar on the surfaces to be treated. However, remember to let the room air out after treatment.

Like  baking soda, white wine vinegar  has  disinfecting and degreasing properties  . Simply mix it with water and treat affected surfaces. However, remember that it is important to let fresh air circulate after using these products, even if they are natural.

Baking soda, vinegar and lemon  are absolutely ecological products and safe to use, both for the health, for the environment and for our health,  but if they do not solve the mold problem  in a short time, it is advisable to call a specialist.

continued on next page

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