Honey, olive oil and lemon – a natural remedy for the liver and kidneys

Mix all the ingredients in a jar until well mixed, otherwise the honey will fall, the lemon juice will remain in the middle and the olive oil will float to the surface.

Or just put the ingredients in a blender and puree.

Shake well before each consumption.


Consume one teaspoon on an empty stomach, three times a day half an hour before meals. For best results, consume for one month, twice a year.

For sand and kidney stones

Mix honey, olive oil and lemon juice in a ratio of 1:1:1.
Consume one tablespoon of the mixture dissolved in a glass of warm water one to two hours before meals.

Honey with olive oil and lemon – this combination acts as a diuretic, detoxifier, anti-inflammatory and increases immunity.

You need about a month to feel and see a change from this mixture.

After 30 days, your appearance will begin to improve – the dark circles under the eyes that are so stubborn will be gone.

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