How do you get rid of hair stuck in the shower drain?

Install a drain cover: Get a drain screen from any hardware or home improvement store. Place them in showers and bathtubs around the house. Better yet, try purchasing drain screens specifically designed to trap hair.
Prevent hair from slipping in the sink and shower: Before you even take a shower or bath, get into the habit of brushing your hair to prevent some hair from falling out when you brush your hair. And if you send some out to lurk, remove them manually before they get anywhere near the drain.
Flush the drains at the same time: This requires mutual support and family coordination. In concrete terms, you must close all the drains in the house. Fill each tub or sink with warm water and have someone stand next to it. There must be synchronization: at the same time it is necessary to open the drains and flush the toilet for simultaneous flushing.
How do you unclog a bathtub full of hair?
Hair on the bathtub
These three prevention methods should normally prevent the problem of clogged drains. However, even with all precautions, it is sometimes difficult to get around hair buildup. In this case, if you are faced with a water flow that is too slow, there are other home solutions to try, without calling a professional.

Clean the cap

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If the tub is clogged with too many bristles, remove the filter or cap and clean it. You can use a standard screwdriver or simply pry it up using your nails. From there, you will be able to remove any accumulated hair more easily. After that, run the boiling water down the drain and see if it is smoother now.

Use a drain claw to unclog loose hair
Is it still a little clogged? Ok, then opt for the “drain claw”, a very recent plumbing tool that is proving to be very effective. Featuring an auger attached to its end, this claw helps unclog any clogged substance inside the drain pipe. Because it is flexible, it can be easily bent to fit any clogged drain. This will allow you to grab the clump of hair that is causing the blockage.

Use a chemical drain cleaner
Of course, if you want, you can still use chemical drain cleaners to more easily fix the problem. Online, you will find the steps to follow to apply these commercial drain cleaners. However, there are some precautions to take: do not use any chemical product without wearing safety gloves and, above all, follow the instruction manual carefully. After pouring the product down the drain, wait approximately 10 to 15 minutes for the drain cleaner to work. After this time, pour hot water into the drain and check if it works properly. If it is still clogged, repeat until you get the desired result. But be careful, it is best to avoid overusing chemical cleaners in drains, as they can damage your home’s drainage system.

Apply a natural drain cleaner

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