How to fertilize and propagate geranium: the tricks to make it grow lush


And to spread it?

Geranium cutting
Glass to recycle
rope wire
universal floor
Old jam jar


Here’s the trick to free propagation of your geraniums! We start by taking a cut and with the help of well-disinfected scissors we are going to remove the leaves from the cut, leaving only the last ones at the top.
Now we prepare a bowl that crumbles the activated carbon and submerges the live part of the cut. This will help as a rooting hormone for the plant. Now let’s prepare the jar. Let’s take an old jam jar and fill it half with water. Then we took a paper cup to recycle and drilled a hole in the bottom.
At this point we pass a thread of rope inside so that it is knotted well and stops so that the longest part is outside the glass. Now we are going to fill it with a mixture of soil and perlite. Only at the end can we insert the cut into the glass, and then the glass into the jar so that the string touches the water.
We wait a few weeks and our cutting will have rooted, it will only be 20 days before we can bury it in its new pot

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