How to get rid of cockroaches with toothpaste

A natural repellent, diatomaceous earth is very effective in eradicating mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs and cockroaches. To fight against the invasion of cockroaches that can infest your living space, sprinkle this product in dishes and distribute it in the different corners of your house.

Eucalyptus essential oil smells pleasant to humans, but cockroaches have difficulty handling it. To exterminate these crawling insects, pour a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil on all surfaces where cockroaches tend to roam. This simple gesture will put an end to their proliferation in your home.

To get rid of cockroaches using a non-toxic product, many people opt for an excellent household cleaner: white vinegar. To use it, simply spray this product in all areas of the house where cockroaches can go. Thanks to the repellent smell of this acetic acid source, you can be sure to eradicate cockroaches in no time.

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