How to properly grow peppers in pots.

Soil – One of the most important elements in growing vegetables, especially from seeds, is soil. In the case of peppers, in particular, it is important that it is not hard and compact to allow the roots to develop at their best.
Vase : It is advisable to use terracotta pots with holes in the bottom, to allow excess water to drain.
Location : it is important to place the seeds correctly and at the appropriate distance from each other to prevent the plants from having little space to develop.
How to plant : after placing the seeds, a fundamental step is to cover them correctly. Just a light layer of soil that covers them but at the same time allows them to germinate. After that, the soil surface must be moistened.
Location – Once planted, the seeds must be placed correctly. The best place is a bright and well-ventilated place, where, however, there is not too much direct light, as this could dry out the soil very quickly.

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