How to purify your home with plants and diffuse energies of well-being?


A handful of dried thyme
A heat-resistant container and hot coal
A lighter or match
How to do it?

Ventilate your space to ventilate it during combustion.
Light the coal on one side.
Place it on a heat-resistant surface.
Once it starts to crackle, add your previously dried herbs.
All you have to do is disperse the smoke in your room and hello well-being!
White Sage Leaves
Burning white sage leaves is a great way to create a pure and calming atmosphere inside your home. It effectively repels pathogenic bacteria and viruses thanks to its antimicrobial properties. The smoke from this therapeutic plant also helps ward off negative vibrations and restore balance and positivity in your home. It also absorbs tensions and conflicts while reducing ambient stress. The other good news is that it can also keep insects away from your home.

How to do ?

Open the windows before beginning your purification ritual.
First, hold the sage at a 45-degree angle.
Use a lighter, candle or match to light it.
Count to 20 then gently blow on the flame.
All you have to do is let the smoke spread to gradually free your room of negative energies!
Eucalyptus leaves
Using dried eucalyptus leaves, it is possible to purify the ambient air while repelling unpleasant odors. Used in inhalation, this medicinal herb is also a remedy for colds.

How to do ?

Prepare an infusion of 10 grams of eucalyptus leaves in a liter of water.
Let it boil then let the steam spread around the room.
The result is guaranteed! In addition to clean air, you will enjoy this feeling of relaxation in your room.

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