How To Store Lemons Longer To Prevent Them From Spoiling: 4 Simple Tricks

Lemons are a staple in many households. They add a burst of citrus flavor to our dishes and are great for detoxifying our bodies. However, if we don’t store them properly, they can quickly spoil and go to waste.

Luckily, there are a few easy tricks to extend the shelf life of lemons and prevent them from molding. Let’s explore four methods to store lemons for a longer time without any waste.


1. Lemon Ice Cubes

One simple and effective method is the ice cube trick. Grate the zest of your lemons and squeeze out the juice. Pour the zest and juice into ice cube trays and place them in the freezer. Once frozen, remove the lemon ice cubes from the trays and store them in a silicone-insulated bag in the freezer. Whenever you need a burst of lemon flavor, just grab a cube and use it for any occasion.

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