I gotta check my plants now!

2. Overcrowding of plants which restricts air flow.
3. Sudden changes in temperature.
Preventive Measures
Prevention is always better than cure. Here are steps you can take to prevent powdery mildew:
1. Ensure proper spacing between plants for adequate air circulation.

2. Water plants at the base rather than from above to prevent moisture on leaves.
3. Regularly prune excess foliage to increase airflow.
4. Use resistant plant varieties when possible.
Treatment Options
If prevention fails and powdery mildew appears, consider these treatment options:
1. Remove and discard affected leaves to prevent the spread.
2. Apply fungicidal sprays specifically designed to target powdery mildew.
3. Use homemade remedies like a mixture of baking soda and water.
By understanding and addressing the white, powdery areas on your plants’ leaves, you can ensure their health and longevity. Armed with this knowledge, you can tackle powdery mildew effectively and enjoy a thriving garden.

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