Learn How to Grow Avocados in Pots and Say Goodbye to Buying Them


Where Can I Grow Avocado?

Firstly, choose a location on your terrace or in your garden that receives ample sunlight – avocados thrive in sunlight, and it’s crucial for their growth. If you lack outdoor space, select a spot near a window to cultivate avocados at home. Avoid cold climates or places with extremely low temperatures that could harm the avocado plant. When it comes to soil, ensure it’s nutrient-rich with a slightly acidic pH.

How to Plant Avocado in a Pot?

    1. Seed Preparation: Obtain an avocado seed, wash it thoroughly, and insert three toothpicks around it to create a support that can suspend it over a water-filled pot. This step allows the avocado roots to develop and strengthen to support the plant’s weight.
    2. Sunlit Placement: Put the pot in a well-ventilated, sun-exposed area. Once the plant stem has grown to around 15 centimeters, cut it, leaving about 7 centimeters. This strengthens the stem, promotes root growth, and encourages new leaves.
  1. Transplanting: Once the first leaves appear, transplant the plant into a pot. Remove the toothpicks and plant the seed in soil. Trim the leaves when the stem exceeds 15 centimeters, and cut any leaves surpassing 30 centimeters.
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