Mix baby oil and cloves, and after 10 seconds you will never use anything else in your life.

In search of a natural and efficient way to fend off pesky mosquitoes and insects? Crafting a homemade repellent using baby oil and cloves is a stellar, easily accessible solution to keep those unwelcome guests at bay.
Utilizing baby oil as a soothing, skin-friendly base and cloves for their inherent insect-repelling properties, this guide will walk you through making a repellent that allows you to bask in the great outdoors, uninterrupted.
What You Need:
A dark glass dropper bottle
35 ml of baby oil (or olive oil as an alternative)
6 cloves
Steps to Create Your Repellent:

Gently Warm the Baby Oil: Begin by warming the baby oil in a container over low heat. Aim to heat it lightly without bringing it to a boil.

Infuse with Cloves: Add the cloves to the warmed oil, then let the mixture cool to room temperature.

Let It Rest: Transfer the cooled mixture into your dark glass dropper bottle and let it sit in a cool, dark place for about 10 to 15 days. This duration allows the cloves to thoroughly infuse the oil.

Strain and Use: After the infusion period, strain the mixture to remove the cloves. Your homemade repellent is now ready to shield you from mosquitoes.

Tips for Optimal Use:

Choose the Right Oil: Opt for a fragrance-free baby oil to ensure effectiveness. The simpler the oil, the better.

Cloves Proportion: While 6 cloves per 35 ml of oil is a good starting point, feel free to adjust based on your preference. Both whole and ground cloves work, but ground cloves blend more seamlessly.

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