Mix the mild soap with the baking soda: What you will see next is unique

The presence of potassium hydroxide makes this soap softer and more delicate than conventional soaps on the market. Soft soap can be broken into small pieces to create bite-sized soap balls.

This means you can disinfect your laundry both by hand and in the washing machine. When washing by hand, all you have to do is run this ball over the stain and then rinse it with water. In the washing machine, on the other hand, you simply place the ball of mild potassium soap in the basket and start the machine. You can also do without using fabric softener.

Mild potash soap is also useful for keeping pests away from plants in the garden or on the balcony. By spraying a small amount of this element dissolved in water on your plants, you will create a natural insecticide that will be very useful to you.

Now let’s look at how best to use mild soap in combination with sodium bicarbonate. Here is everything you need to know about it.
A perfect combination for house cleaning

First of all, you need to divide the piece of mild soap into small balls. Take one of these formed balls and dissolve it in hot water. The resulting mixture should be put in a small spray bottle. Do not forget to add a teaspoon of baking soda to the spray bottle.
Mild Baking Soap

To make the resulting mixture even more “powerful”, you can also add a teaspoon of vinegar. At this point, you can spray and spray the solution to optimally degrease and disinfect your bathroom fixtures.

Mild soap and baking powder are also suitable for disinfecting the kitchen and stove. Especially if the hob is encrusted and very dirty, it is important to spread a ball of mild potassium soap directly on it.

Once this first process is completed, you must put lukewarm water and a teaspoon of baking soda in a bowl. Mixing everything together will create a mixture that will allow you to disinfect the hob in the best possible way. At the end of these steps, you only have to wipe with a damp cloth to remove the dirt.

Finally, mild soap is also suitable for removing dust and dirt from cutlery and other household items. Apply the mild soap with a sponge to the items to be cleaned and use baking soda in addition. You must scrub the cutlery as well as possible with the sponge. You will notice that it will be perfectly disinfected and shiny again.

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