Orchid: how to have beautiful flowering and keep the plant in good health?

First method: You need lemon, water and cotton. Pour the equivalent of ten drops of lemon juice into a bowl containing 200 ml of water. Take a cotton pad that you will soak in this water-lemon mixture then wring it out. Then gently pass the almost dry cotton over the leaves of your orchid to clean them. No water should be seen running down the leaves. It is recommended to carry out this operation only once a week. It helps repel insects such as mealybugs.
Second method: Pour the equivalent of three drops of lemon juice into a spray bottle containing 200 ml of water and shake the bottle well to mix everything. You can then spray the mixture on the base of your houseplant. This method also helps keep away insects that sneak into the roots of your houseplant and thus prevent diseases. It is advisable to put your orchids in a transparent plastic pot to be able to check its roots. You can use this tip once a month to maintain your plant.
Orchids should be placed in a bright room. They grow best when exposed to sunlight. You can put them near a window so that they are not exposed to direct daylight. If you decide to relocate your houseplants, there are precautions to take. For example, in the case of orchids, you should avoid handling them when they are forming buds. This change could cause its flowering to stop abruptly and you will get wilted flowers. These plants can also form accordion-shaped leaves. This is why, when you place your houseplant in a place, you should leave it as long as possible. Avoid putting your orchid in front of your balcony door if you are used to opening it to ventilate your interior.
When should you water an orchid?
You are almost ready to take care of your orchid and give it all the attention necessary for optimal flowering and obtaining beautiful white flowers. Now the orchid is a moisture-loving flower. So there is no need to overwater it. It is more likely to die from overwatering rather than drought. It is advisable to water it with rainwater or as explained previously with water and lemon because it does not tolerate hard water. As these plants appreciate humidity, you can moisten their leaves and stems quite often with a mister that you leave at room temperature. If your orchid flowers, water it every ten days. If it is not yet in flower, you can wait up to fifteen or twenty days.
In conclusion, orchids require little maintenance but they do need light. To stimulate their growth, you can always add nitrogen fertilizer to your orchids. During winter periods, avoid placing your orchid near a radiator. They love humidity and fear heat
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