Plant a rose in a tomato slice and wait a few minutes – amazing

The Peculiar Trend: Planting a Rose Inside a Tomato

The current trend of planting a rose inside a tomato has gained popularity due to the beneficial effects it imparts, resulting in stronger and more luxuriant growth.

To experiment with this practice, follow these steps:

  1. Cut rose branches from your plants, ensuring they are approximately 20 centimeters in length.
  2. Remove thorns from the branches.
  3. Cut a tomato and create a wedge.
  4. Insert the rose branch into the center of the tomato and bury the fruit, covering it entirely.

After a while, you’ll observe a revitalized rose: healthier leaves and more vivid colors. Approximately a month and a half later, you can uproot the rose and relocate it to an area with more space. At this point, you’ll notice that the branch has developed ample roots, rendering it an entirely independent plant. Repeat this technique with all the rose plants in your home or garden, and you’ll witness its beneficial effects almost instantly and continuing to unfold even after a few months.

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