She climbs on the broom, if you try it once you can’t stop: what happens at home

Did you know that by putting salt on the broom you can clean your home with excellent results? This old grandmother’s remedy allows you to sanitize the house and also save money because salt costs very little. Let’s find out how to put this fantastic grandmother’s trick into practice!

She climbs on the broom
A natural and also inexpensive ingredient, salt is perfect to use at home to clean and sanitize any surface. Used according to the grandmother’s method, that is, on the broom, you can take advantage of its properties to eliminate germs and bacteria from the floor, the shower tray, but also from incrustations and stubborn dir

Not only that, the floors become shiny again and regain their natural shine, often covered by aggressive and ineffective detergents.

But what is the salt on the broom trick, used in the past by our grandmothers? This is an easy method to prepare and also requires the use of another natural ingredient, vinegar, to compose a solution with extraordinary effects. Let’s find out how to do it and what to clean!

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