Small black flies in the house: how to prevent and get rid of them

What to do against small black flies?

  • Yellow Traps: Stickers or sticky patches can be placed directly in the soil or on the affected plant. The yellow color attracts midges which end up sticking to it. The stickers are non-toxic and therefore safe for children or pets.
  • Vinegar and dishwashing liquid mixture : Set out small bowls containing apple cider vinegar, water and a drop of dishwashing liquid. The smell of apple cider vinegar attracts flies, which head towards the trap. Thanks to dishwashing liquid, flies can no longer float on the surface of the liquid and end up drowning.
  • Fly traps: Hang the sticky strips in your apartment. Places where insects appear most often, such as the windowsill with your plants or the trash can, are particularly suitable. Be careful not to touch the tape as much as possible. The glue is not toxic to health, but it is difficult to remove.

How can I prevent the appearance of small black flies?

There are a few things to consider to avoid these annoying insects in your apartment in the future:

  • Keep plants preferably outdoors, for example in the garden or on the balcony. Do not place plants with fresh soil near regularly open windows.
  • Consume food scraps or throw them into the compost regularly. This especially applies to the hot season.
  • Store purchased plant soil not in the apartment, but in the basement or outdoors.

Small flies are not dangerous for us, but they are very annoying. They can contaminate food and spread germs. This is why you should act as soon as small insects appear and stop their multiplication.

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