For an even more sustainable and highly effective solution, we can also decide to use citric acid . Absolutely nothing changes compared to the previously illustrated method. The only difference lies in what we are going to put inside the drum before starting the empty wash. In this case, we only need 1l of water, in which we will dilute 150g of citric acid. In this way we will not only eliminate all bad odors, but we will also remove all limescale residues while sanitizing the environment at the same time.

These remedies are perfect for making the washing machine drum look like new again, but with some small precautions we can ensure that bad odors have no time or opportunity to form inside it. To achieve this result, simply carry out one of the two empty washes mentioned above once a month . Furthermore, when the washing machine is not being used, it is best to always leave the door open . This will help to avoid water stagnation which, in turn, would cause the formation of mold and, therefore, unwanted odors.
Cleaning The Basket

After having carried out a thorough cleaning of the door, in addition, we can also decide to make the drum of our washing machine even more fragrant . To do this, simply combine 3l of water, 500ml of vinegar, 5 tablespoons of bicarbonate and shake carefully to mix all the ingredients well. In fact, as is now known, they are excellent allies in the fight against dirt and bad smells .
How to clean the washing machine drum
How to clean the washing machine drum –

At this point, we add the essential oil of the fragrance we like best, dip a clean cloth into the newly created solution and rub it carefully inside the basket. After drying with a dry cloth, the scent of the basket will be irresistible.

Alternatively, we can create a deodorant to spray inside the drum. For this we will only need a spray container, 300ml of water and the filtered juice of two lemons . All we have to do is insert this solution inside the spray bottle and vaporize it inside the basket. Even in this case, the result is guaranteed!

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