Spaghetti Bolognese A Delight

1. Saute the chopped garlic and onion in a large non-stick pan with olive oil and butter for a few minutes.
2.Add the grated carrot then fry for a few minutes while mixing then increase the heat, add the minced meat and mix using a wooden spoon or fork, being careful to crush the meat so that it does not form lumps !
3. Once the meat begins to cook and change color, add the tomato puree, the tomato paste, the celery stalk (you can chop it, I put it in the stalk then I remove it at the end of cooking) and bay leaf. Salt, pepper, add the sweet pepper, nutmeg and cumin powder, mix everything.
4.Add a glass of boiling water (you can add vegetable or beef broth) then simmer the bolognese over low heat for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring regularly (2 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the branch of celery and add chopped parsley).
5.Cook the spaghetti in a large volume of boiling salted water. Mix to immerse them well. When it starts boiling again, start counting down the cooking time indicated on the package (11 minutes for me). Leave to bubble without lid for the desired time. The pasta should cook at a rolling boil. Stir the pasta from time to time with a wooden spoon to prevent it from sticking and the cooking water from overflowing. Al dente, firm or even deliciously soft? To settle the debate over cooking pasta, trust your own taste by tasting a pasta at the end of cooking.
6.Once the spaghetti is cooked, drizzle them with olive oil and mix so that they don’t stick! Serve them with the Bolognese sauce, you can sprinkle them with parmesan and chopped parsley!
Happy making and good tasting!
Tips and tricks:

The Bolognese sauce should be juicy and tender. If there is a lack of liquid, you can add water or meat stock to check during cooking!

continued on next page

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