The farmer’s trick to keep fresh strawberries for 2 full years


Many experts recommend eating at least 5 portions of fruit every day. One portion of fruit is equivalent to about 80 grams of fresh fruit or 150 ml of unsweetened fruit juice. However, not all fruits are equal in terms of calories and sugar. For example, bananas and grapes are relatively high in sugar, while apples and pears contain more fiber and fewer calories.

To take full advantage of the benefits of fruit, it is important to keep them properly. Fresh fruit may be stored at room temperature for a short period of time, but for longer storage it is preferable to store in a refrigerator.
Chilled or deep-frozen fruit

Apples, oranges and pears may be stored in a refrigerator for several weeks, while bananas and grapes should be stored at room temperature.

If you choose dry fruit, you should pay attention to the amount of sugar added and total calories. Walnuts are high in calories and often contain added sugar, so it is preferable to consume them in moderation.

There are also fruit preservation methods that preserve their nutritional values and extend their lifespan. For example, fruit may be frozen for later use. Deep-frozen fruits are ideal for preparing smoothies, smoothies and ice creams, but also for cooking desserts.

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