The farmer’s trick to keep fresh strawberries for 2 full years


We put 2 kg of strawberries in bowls filled with water for 5 to 10 minutes, then clean the strawberries and remove the stems. After washing the pots, they are filled with strawberries, then two tablespoons of sugar are poured into each pot.

Then the jars are filled with boiling water, closed with the lid and boiled in a saucepan half filled with water. As soon as the water starts boiling, the jars are left on the fire for about 15 minutes.

Once the time has elapsed, the pots are removed from the pot and the stoppers are tightly closed and placed upside down on a surface covered with a cloth. The next day, check that there is no air in all the jars and keep them head down in a cool place away from light. In this way, they remain intact for up to 2 years.

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