The importance of fertilizer and insecticide for nettle: manufacturing and use in your garden

Fresh nettle leaves (wear gloves during handling)
Soap (biological, non-toxic)
Soap with fresh nettle leaves
Harvesting nettle leaves: As with nettle fertilizer, harvest fresh nettle leaves during the growing season, taking care to wear gloves.
Fill a container: Fill a container with water, using about 1 part of nettle leaves for 5 parts of water. For example, if you have a litre of nettle, use 5 litres of water.
Add the nettle leaves: Place the nettle leaves in the water and let them soak for about 24 hours.
Filter the liquid: After the soaking period, filter the liquid into a spray bottle.
Add soap: Add a few drops of organic and non-toxic soap to the mixture. Soap helps the solution to adhere to pests and plants.

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